Terms & Conditions

A warm welcome and thank you for being a visitor of Beforeyoutake.com. We appreciate thankfulness for utilizing our services. We hope that you had an ultimate experience using our site and found it useful. Once you enter into the website, you’re agreeing to the following terms and conditions. We encourage you to review these as this is a legal document that adheres to website standards and maintenance.

This document holding terms and conditions is an electronic record according to Information Technology Act 2000.  As this document is generated for electronic purpose, this does not require any digital or physical signatures. We have published this document with the provisions rule 3(1) of the Information Technology Rules 2011 that needed to publish rules and regulations, terms of use, privacy policy to accessing or using www.beforeyoutake.com website.

The information in this website does not render any certifications, guarantees, advice, or warranties on the content relating to services.

Terms of Use

The site usage and content are governed by this agreement i.e., terms of use. These terms are modified from time to time and you agree that you’re inbound with all these terms while accessing our website.

1. Purpose – Before You Take will provide various services of India. Here we make no claim about the data accuracy or information that’s applicable to any particular situation. We may also send messages or emails to the users to spread awareness about our website.

Before You Take provides certain Features to send/receive invites/solicitated messages/reminders to your contacts that are submitted by you to be used. Once the Features are selected and consented, you’re agreeing to send one message and three reminders at max.

2. Definitions – Contents in this website might reflect into data, text, music, video, visuals, graphical elements, news, notices, articles, contracts, forms, documents, or other materials and information that can be viewed or downloaded through this site. Contents will also include emails, messages, e-cards, or any other information related to the user.

Feature or Features include interactive or other value adding services introduced in the website. Site or website would mean the officially declared URL of beforeyoutake.com

3. Conduct

You’re free to post your reviews, comments, suggestions, ideas, questions, or any other information as long as the contents aren’t illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, privacy decline, or otherwise harming the third parties or objectionable. The information must not contain any software viruses, represent political campaigning, or commercial advertising and spam. You would also agree to not to use false email addresses, reciprocate personal identity of other entities, or mislead with the information. We also declare that we have the accessibility to accept, refuse, or decline the contents published in this website either by us or by our visitors.

You completely agree not to use the site to:

  1. Harm in any manner – directly or indirectly
  2. Forge our content or any other banners to manipulate identifiers for disguising contents in this website
  3. Affect the infographics or other graphical elements for smooth engaging of our visitors in any negative way.
  4. Upload or broadcast any material that is exclusively produced by our website in other channels.
  5. Violating applicable local, state, national, or international laws.

4. Licenses and Access

Before You Take gives access to a limited non-exclusive license to access and make use of this site for non-commercial information and informational purposes without being modifying the Site. The license will not contain any resale or commercial use of this Site and its contents. Your partners, employees, agents, or any other individual associated with you must not derive any works, sell, lease, license, email, reproduce, duplicate, copy, resell, publish, broadcast, or distribute any use of information present in this Site. You shall also agree that no contents can be reproduced in any other entity or other channels.

You shall not utilize any trademark and other proprietary information of our site in any form. Usage of meta tags or other hidden text without consent of Before You Take should not be used. Any unauthorized usage would result in taking necessary actions in ways possible by Before You Take.

5. Contact Details

To know more about our terms and conditions and other queries you may contact us or you can drop an email. Please consider that all the communications under this agreement must be sent and received only be email. To achieve this purpose, you must communicate through contact form only. We will send you requested information when you register on Before You Take.

Users can have the flexibility to complain if Information Technology Act 2000 is violated or rules mentioned thereunder with the grievance officer.

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