In a tragic incident, a 16-year-old boy from Uttar Pradesh died from an electric shock while using his phone. The incident occurred while the phone was charging. This is not the first instance where a phone explosion has resulted in a fatality. These types of incidents have become rare but can be extremely dangerous.
What Happened?
As per reports, the victim was talking on the phone while it was still charging, and he fell to the ground after receiving an electric shock. His parents rushed him to the hospital, but he was declared dead upon arrival.
Cause of Phone Explosions
The phone’s manufacturer and brand name have not been made public, and the exact cause of the explosion is unknown. However, the report does state that the victim had purchased a smartwatch and an old phone for Rs 20,000, and a short circuit could be to blame. Additionally, long-term use of smartphones can cause them to overheat, which can be dangerous.
How to Prevent Phone Explosions: Tips to Stay Safe
Tip #1: Use Original Chargers and Cables
One of the leading causes of phone explosions is the use of fake or counterfeit chargers and cables. These products may be cheaper, but they can be dangerous as they may not be built to handle the voltage and current needed to charge your phone. Always use original chargers and cables provided by the manufacturer.
Tip #2: Don’t Overcharge Your Phone
Leaving your phone plugged in overnight or for extended periods can lead to overheating, which can cause the battery to explode. To prevent this, unplug your phone as soon as it’s fully charged. You can also use charging apps that notify you when your phone reaches 80% or 90% charge, so you can unplug it.
Tip #3: Avoid Using Your Phone While Charging
Using your phone while it’s charging can cause it to overheat, which can lead to an explosion. It’s best to avoid using your phone altogether while it’s charging, but if you must, make sure to use it in a cool, ventilated area.
Tip #4: Keep Your Phone Away From Heat Sources
Exposing your phone to heat sources such as direct sunlight, ovens, or stoves can cause the battery to overheat, which can lead to an explosion. Keep your phone away from these heat sources and never leave it in a hot car or in direct sunlight for extended periods.
Tip #5: Replace Your Phone’s Battery
If you notice that your phone’s battery is swelling, it’s a sign that it needs to be replaced. A swollen battery can cause the phone to malfunction, overheat, or even explode. Don’t wait until it’s too late – get the battery replaced as soon as possible.
In conclusion, phone explosions can be prevented by taking simple precautions such as using original chargers and cables, avoiding overcharging and overheating, and replacing your phone’s battery when needed. By following these tips, you can stay safe and enjoy your phone without worrying about any potential dangers.